Agave deserti var. simplex

(Gentry) W. C. Hodgson & Reveal

Novon 11: 413. 2001.

Common names: Simple desert agave
Basionym: Agave deserti subsp. simplex Gentry Occas. Pap. Calif. Acad. Sci. 130: 22. 1978
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 26. Treatment on page 459. Mentioned on page 448, 449.

Plants rarely with 1–3 suckers; rosettes usually solitary, compact. Leaves (20–)25–60 × 4.5–10 cm; blade greenish, lanceolate; margins undulate to crenate; apical spine 3–4 cm. Scape 4–6 m. Perianth tube funnelform, (3–)5–10 mm; filaments inserted above middle but well within tube. 2n = 60.

Phenology: Flowering spring.
Habitat: Sandy to gravelly or rocky places in desert scrub and pinyon juniper woodlands
Elevation: 300–1500 m


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Ariz., Calif., nw Mexico.


Variety simplex hybridizes with A. schottii var. schottii and possibly with A. mckelveyana.

Selected References


Lower Taxa

James L. Reveal +  and Wendy C. Hodgson +
- Gentry W. C. Hodgson & Reveal +
Agave deserti subsp. simplex +
Simple desert agave +
Ariz. +, Calif. +  and nw Mexico. +
300–1500 m +
Sandy to gravelly or rocky places in desert scrub and pinyon juniper woodlands +
Flowering spring. +
Illustrated +
Agave deserti var. simplex +
Agave deserti +
variety +