Arctostaphylos tomentosa subsp. bracteosa

(de Candolle) J. E. Adams

J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 56: 57. 1940,.

EndemicConservation concern
Basionym: Andromeda bracteosa de Candolle in A. P. de Candolle and A. L. P. P. de Candolle, Prodr. 7: 607. 1839
Synonyms: Arctostaphylos bracteosa (de Candolle) Abrams Arctostaphylos tomentosa var. trichoclada (de Candolle) Munz
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 8. Treatment on page 440.

Twigs densely glandular-hairy. Leaf blades sparsely glandular-hairy, papillate, scabrous, or ± glabrous abaxially. Inflorescences densely glandular-hairy.

Phenology: Flowering winter–early spring.
Habitat: Maritime chaparral in stabilized dunes or on coastal uplands
Elevation: 0-300 m


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Of conservation concern.

Subspecies bracteosa is found around southern Monterey Bay in the outer Central Coast Range; it often occurs in mixed stands with subsp. tomentosa.

Selected References


Lower Taxa

V. Thomas Parker +, Michael C. Vasey +  and Jon E. Keeley +
- de Candolle J. E. Adams +
Andromeda bracteosa +
0-300 m +
Maritime chaparral in stabilized dunes or on coastal uplands +
Flowering winter–early spring. +
J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. +
Endemic +  and Conservation concern +
Arctostaphylos bracteosa +  and Arctostaphylos tomentosa var. trichoclada +
Arctostaphylos tomentosa subsp. bracteosa +
Arctostaphylos tomentosa +
subspecies +